Gruppenfoto des IASP Teams

About us

“The non-profit research institutes of the Zuse-Gemeinschaft are very close to the practice and generators of creative ideas for the German small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME). They translate the findings from science into applicable technology and thus prepare the ground for the innovations that make German SME successful worldwide."               

The IASP has particular expertise in the establishment and management of international and national research networks. On an international scale, for example, the Institute is the coordinator of the European-Latin American Centre for Logistics and Ecological Projects (CELALE); on a national level, the IASP coordinates various projects as well as activities within the framework of ZIM cooperation networks (e.g. the Green Track Network). The IASP is a long-standing member of the Association of Innovative Enterprises (Verband Innovativer Unternehmen e.V.). (VIU) as well as a founding member of the German Industrial Research Association Konrad Zuse e.V. (Zuse Association).